Starting Fresh this Spring: Decluttering Your Mind and Spaces at the Same Time


Spring cleaning season is upon us and is just as good of a time to declutter our minds as our spaces! The two might even go hand in hand.

Spring Cleaning

Topic Of Discussion

‘Tis the season! No. Not that one. The other one… 

As the days get longer and warmer, spring cleaning season is kicking into full gear. But as we dust, mop…maybe get wild and build a new shelf or two…we may find that our physical spaces aren’t the only things that need decluttering… and that this time of celebrating new life may be the best season to declutter our minds too. After all, we’re not so different from flowers: fresh air and a little sunshine can help clear our heads and let our thoughts blossom with the right tools. 

So how do we tidy our minds along with our spaces?


Especially for those of us who are visual learners, there might be nothing that clears the mind quite like translating our thoughts into words on a page. Whether it’s first thing in the morning, on a lunch break, or last thing at night, even just a few minutes of journaling a day might go a long way towards keeping our brains fresh, clear, and ready to welcome new ideas.

Try something new

Anyone who’s ever had an unexpected shopping spree in The Container Store (you know who you are…) knows that sometimes a clean room is a matter of trying something new to reorganize your space. So why not do the same thing with your mind? Starting a new hobby, daily mindfulness practice, or exercise routine might reorganize your brain for the better.

Get outside

It’s the best time to do it! While the air’s fresh, the birds are chirping, and it’s not too hot yet, take advantage of your local park, hiking trail, or even just your own backyard. By the time the 4th of July rolls around and you’re sweating at the neighborhood block party, your mind might be more at ease because you chilled in nature while the weather was just a little bit, well…chillier!

Take a break from your day-to-day grind

Even if you’re past your spring breaker season of life, spring can still be a great time to take a break, whether it’s a vacation or a stay-cation. By resting up, you give yourself some time to get your thoughts in order, reflect on your priorities, and prepare for the seasons to come!

Go ahead…actually do your spring cleaning!

We all have good days and bad days. Being mentally prepared for the days we might not even have a second to fold that dirty laundry matters…and, let’s face it, the reverse is true too: If life’s got you down, a tidy space might not fix everything…but it could sure help!

Wrapping it up

Feeling too overwhelmed to even start your spring cleaning? We’re here to help! Our capable therapists here at Tri-Star Counseling can help you get to the bottom of whatever’s holding you back, so you can start fresh this spring! Schedule an appointment today.

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