How to Start Learning to Love YOUR Body
Category: Misc.
Body positivity can be a tricky topic, but loving yourself and your body is possible with reframing, refocusing, and support along the way.
Topic Of Discussion
Body positivity can be a tricky subject, muddied by confusing societal “norms”, conflicting ideas about eating and dieting, and all of our very human desire to not only see ourselves as attractive, but also want to be seen by everyone as attractive. It’s natural to want that! But it can be difficult to look good to anyone if you don’t first please yourself.
So, if you’re struggling to love yourself and your body, read on! Learning to love yourself and your body is possible with some reframing and refocusing. And it doesn’t have to happen alone!
Identify what your individual body needs
One barrier to embracing body positivity comes from a societal failure to appreciate different types of bodies. Often, being thinner and/or more muscular gets placed on a pedestal, but sometimes, these types of bodies just aren’t attainable even to the healthiest people. So by focusing as much as you can on eating healthy, exercising, sleeping well, and any other number of activities you can do to keep your body in “shape” (without focusing only on appearance), you give yourself a chance to get to know the natural shape of your body and set standards for you.
Focus on your body’s functionality
No matter what else may be true of our bodies, one thing is true if you’re reading this right now: it’s keeping you alive! It’s totally normal to not always love our outward appearances, but on the especially tough days, it might be helpful to think about the ways your body is caring for you!
Seek community
A lot of attention is given to social media’s negative effects on body image, but the opposite can be true! If you’re struggling to embrace body positivity, social media can be a great way to connect with others who share the same experiences and can offer support. So before you scroll through images of what you wish you looked like, try finding pictures that look like you.
Wrapping it up
It’s worth repeating: body positivity can be a tricky, non-linear journey. Speaking with a mental health professional might help you gain clarity if you’re struggling to love yourself. At Tri-Star Counseling, we’re ready to meet you wherever you are on your journey and start there.
Brent Metcalf, LCSW