How to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues in 3 Easy Steps

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The post-holiday blues are real, but manageable, with the right mindset.

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Here we are, a whole two weeks into the new year. How’s it going? If you’re in a bit of a funk…you’re not alone. Whether you celebrated a blue Christmas or the best holiday ever, one thing is certain: for many of us, the post-holiday blues are real!

If you’re looking to ground yourself in 2025, read on for some easy ways to get back on track and make January the most wonderful time of the year (or at least the best fresh start it can be!)

1. Reestablish your routine

As much as a holiday break (like many of us get from school, work, or any other commitments) can be restorative, it also inevitably throws us off our regular routines. Whether talking about our sleep schedules, exercise regimes, or mindfulness practices, chances are good that you need to get them back on track. Doing so might make you feel that much more motivated to leave the holidays behind and tackle what’s next. Consider tools like a habit tracker app or a bullet journal if you need an extra boost to get started.

2. Overhaul your diet

If you ate healthy this holiday season…way to go! If you ate a lot of delicious, buttery meals and cookies…you’re totally normal. That said, sugar crashes are so 2024, right? Getting your diet back on track will likely help with any number of things you’re looking to revamp, from sleep, to exercise, to overall self-care. Maybe it’s the right time to try that meal subscription plan you’ve been wondering about or to finally cook that chicken recipe you want to try. Eating well = feeling well, so don’t underestimate the importance of regulating your post-holiday eating.

3. Make every day a holiday!

Time with family and friends doesn’t have to be limited to holidays only! If you’re missing the festive company you kept at the end of last year, set a weekly phone date or monthly dinner with the people you love. By maintaining connections, you can carry the spirit of the season all year!

Wrapping it up

No matter how committed we may be to getting back on track, sometimes having extra support can help. If you’re looking for some useful suggestions or even just a listening ear, our therapists at Tri-Star Counseling would be happy to help you start your year off strong!

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